Tuesday, May 4, 2010

One final post for today

so far I have shown some of the gorgeous projects and new releases that TBZ have got for scrapbooking. One of the main reasons I scrapbook and take umpteen million photo's is to record the memories of my life and that of my family as well....

Over the weekend a good friend of mine tragically lost her husband in a motorbike accident leaving behind not only his soulmate wife but 4 gorgeous children..It is all so sudden and makes you realise how precious life is.....To my friend and her family - you are not alone, your memories will keep him alive and his spirit will never leave you. Remember we are always here for you. take care and big hugs. You know where we are.

For everyone else - give those you love a hug and tell them you love them - you never know what is around the corner or what life may bring you so cherish every second of it, don't sweat over the little things and enjoy being with each other.

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