Sunday, February 25, 2007

YAY I did it!!!

I managed to do the EB cyber crop (cc) challenges that were on this weekend!!!!

A series of challenges are posted on Friday night and you have until 10pm WA time to complete them! I didn't start until today cause was chatting on Friday night and then yesterday did Jess's room and watched Spy kids with her last night soo...... even with godparents and FIl calling in unannounced I got it done!!! And I really love them too :)

Challenge one - use up scraps - all the chipboard and pp is scraps!

Challenge two - a sketch challenge - I LOVE this one - much better irl!

Challenge 3 - use fabric and stitching - well the flowers Nanna handstitch on an apron of hers that is god knows how old!!! Cut them out cause I will never use an apron! and did a bit of handstitching due to guests time was tight!!!

and finally one I did the night Gary left.....

Thsi is what Jess was up to today with Candice from over the road.
So 80's and Madonna!!!

It is the next photo to be scrapped!

Night all take care :)


Julie said...

Love the pages here Mel. They look great.

So does the pic of Jess.

Riss Plackett said...

hello from dunsborough~!

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