A huge big welcome to all of you joining in on our Twiddleybitz RAKamania Blog hop!!!!!!!!!
And what a hop we have - I have seen some absolutely mind blowing sneak peaks of the projects the wonderful Twiddley Angels have come up with and you are in for some fun and loads of inspiration :)
Now we have a HUGE hop planned and my blog is only the very start!!!!!! From here you will hop over to TRUDI HARRISON (9pm AEST, 11pm NZ, 8:30pm SA, 6pm WA) where she will have the link to the next Angels blog :)
Remember along the way you MUST collect the secret words - these will be highlighted in each angels post and when you put them together (they will be given in order!) it will create a sentence :) Then you must send a personal message with this sentence to Sandra Wallace on the Twiddleybitz ning to be in the running for a cool prize!!!! Every Twiddley Angels has a RAK along the way as well and keep checking back to both our Facebook page and the Ning site for more RAKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Told you we have a lot of fun in store for you all :)
Right - now I have done the business side of things lets have some fun and start off the Inspiration - first up
( ^ ;) hint hint!!!!)
an empty Palmolive dishwashing liquid bottle......and cut off the very top bit you open and shut to pour out the liquid.
and grab a paintbrush and some modpodge :) Tear up your chosen paper (here I have used Graphic 45's New Christmas Emporium A Christmas Carol) and ink your edges :)
You then simply modpodge your bottle stick on the paper and modpodge over the top :) Easy - Cover the whole bottle - your fingers will get very messy here!!!
Then it is simply a matter of popping an old zip up the front and embellishing your Angel :)
I have simply embossed the Twiddley wings large with copper before gluing to the back of my Angel. Some lace down the bottom and either side of the zip with a vintage button or two and I was done!!!!!!!! (Helmar 450 glue is the best for applying ribbons and lace!)
and a close up :)
Now I do have to say this wasn't my idea but a dear friend of mine!!!!!!!!!!! Hers are beautiful and I am hoping she will email through some pic's for me to pop up as well for you soon! It is very quick and easy to make and Lyn's have been mounted on a long screw through a block of wood and into the bottom of the bottle (I am still trying to organise this on my end!)
Here is our schedule for the weekend
RAKamania Bloghop Schedule
(Blog links are on the Right of my blog under Twiddley Angels :) )
Friday 4th November
7pm AEST
9pm NZ
6:30pm SA
4pm WA
9pm AEST
11pm NZ
8:30pm SA
6pm WA
Saturday 5th November
9am AEST
11am NZ
8:30am SA
6am WA
11am AEST
1pm NZ
10:30am SA
8am WA
1pm AEST
3pm NZ
12:30pm SA
10am WA
3pm AEST
5pm NZ
2:30pm SA
12 noon WA
5pm AEST
7pm NZ
4:30pm SA
2pm WA
7pm AEST
9pm NZ
6:30pm SA
4pm WA
9pm AEST
11pm NZ
8:30pm SA
6pm WA
Sunday 6th November
9am AEST
11am NZ
8:30am SA
6am WA
11am AEST
1pm NZ
10:30am SA
8am WA
1pm AEST
3pm NZ
12:30pm SA
10am WA
3pm AEST
5pm NZ
2:30pm SA
12 noon WA
5pm AEST
7pm NZ
4:30pm SA
2pm WA
7pm AEST
9pm NZ
6:30pm SA
4pm WA
Now for the first RAK of our hop - simply make a comment on here using my secret word...... and I will draw out a winner on Monday morning (7th November) .... remember to collect your words for the secret sentence and enjoy :)
Last but not least if you are planning on visiting the Sydney Papercraft Festival on Sunday well we have another special for you...
Be the first of 20 to go to the Twiddleybitz Booth and say these Secret words..
and we will give you a piece of Twiddleybitz! Too Easy!
(of course there is a but, lol)
you must be a member of the Twiddleybitz Ning and it is only on the Sunday. ;-)
Enjoy your hop :)
Marbled Heart T-Shirt Using Tie Dye
10 months ago
Hey Mel. Im going to TAKE hint hint your idea and run with it! fabulous sweetie
Take, What a fantastic idea and a great way to recycle just love what you have done.
I never even realised that a Palmolive bottle was such a perfect shape! It TAKEs my breath away how beautiful your sample is. So clever! :D
I love your angels....take(ing) the hint hint to thanks!!!
I love the angel i'm going to TAKE that idea on board
Imagination can TAKE you anywhere. What a fabulous way to recycle. Thank you Miss L
I`m going to TAKE that idea and run with it and make me a Christmas angel
Well this is awesome. I don't have a Palmolive bottle at the moment, but I'm going to take to a different bottle and see how she turns out
omg this is totally stunning, I hope you don't mind me (take)ing your idea, I think it will be a great project for the kids, plus mum for a christmas craft day. Thankyou.
WOW I will TAKE that idea and create something wonderful, thanks heaps Mel..
TAKE a dishwashing bottle and pretty paper and wahlaa!! you get an angel :-)
W.O.W. What a great TAKE on that old adage: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle... I think I have some chrissy pressies to make! Thanks MEL!
Such a beautiful angel. I'm gonna TAKE that idea and try to create one sometime!
That's it I am changing my brand of dishwashing detergent!!
This is just fabulous and I can't wait to try on myself!!
Thanks for the inspo Mel. :-)
wow beautiful Mel...I'm going to have to TAKE a leaf from your book and try this one :)
Same as San.. going to have to change my brand of liquid - somehow an angel made from my morning fresh bottle will look a tad squat and butch. Love the angel transformation Mel - she is gorgeous!!
So I guess i had better TAKE that empty bottle out of the recycling and give this a whirl.. it really looks fab, thanks Mel
WOW!!! Fabulous... I wanna see everyone's CURRENT dishwashing liquid bottles... would make for some "interesting" shaped "angels"... just like us! ;)
I wonder if I could collect 21 palmolive bottles before the end of term to make these for teachers gifts LOL... maybe not... but I'll certainly be giving this a go! Fabulous - thanks for sharing Mel!
I am amazed - what one small dishwashing liquid bttle can turn into...fabulous recycling & what a lovely treat to end up with!! Beautiful work Mel!
Mel, this is brilliant!
thank you and all the others involved in the blog hop, gunna take some time tomorrow and make something i think....your angel is great
TAKE''s my breath away, that does. Wow super cool idea. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for sharing your amazing creativity, certainly makes me take a fresh look at my dishwashing liquid bottles.
what a great idea, I love to recycle, and I love stempunk.Great job
Fantastic idea for recycling an old bottle. I am now going to TAKE the idea and make one for myself. Thanks
This looks awesome Mel, love how you have recycled in this project. I think it is going to be something I definitely try.
OMG Im going to have to do some dishes, and TAKE some time to do a piece for xmas... xoxox
Hi Mel, I can Take a hint. What a wonderful use of an empty dishwashing container. Very clever. I will never look at one in the same way again. Thanks for sharing.
ZOMG!! I take my hat off to you and your creative abilities once again Mel. FABULOUS!! I'm thinking of giving this a go with my empty bottle of Blast detergent - bit more similar to my body shape - short & stumpy. LOL
Hi Mel TAKE an empty bottle and creat a masterpiece. What a fabulpous idea . Thank you so much for sharing.
So cool that you could Take such an everyday item and make something magical!
i shall call her "MY WASHED UP ANGEL" & TAKE her to the top of the xmas tree...:)
wow its beautiful!! who would have thought a boring old dishwahing liquid bottle could be so pretty!!
love the wings!!
I would TAKE that angel and display her as a centre piece beautiful!!!!
What an awesome idea thanks for shearing!!!
I will take the inspiration for a beautiful angel!
Sherie ree70@hotmail.com
I TAKE it that I missed the start of the bloghop but, nevermind, I'm here now. And it the others are as creative as yours, I', in for a treat. Fantastic - thanks for sharing.
It's just so simple and ..... the result is stunning !!!!
I'm going to recycle my dishwashing bottle too.
It TAKEs a very creative mind to come up with an idea like this. Thank goodness you've done all the thinking for me!
What a great idea Mel, something even the little ones can do!! Love it!!
What a brilliant idea Mel, and sooo easy... I'm going to TAKE your inspiring idea and run with it, thank you.... Hugs x
These are cool thanks for sharing and a big thank you to your friend too
This is beautiful, amazing what you can do with ordinary items. I will definately TAKE this idea and see where it leads.
What an imagination you must have to TAKE a simple palmolive bottle and to create such a beautiful project.
I'm speechless. So exquisite ! I think I will TAKE that idea and make some for xmas pressies xx
I LOVE that you can take something so mundane and invisible from your daily life, and create something so spectacular. Please congratulate your gf for her amazing imagination :)
What a fantastic idea. I'm going to make this so I will just go and Take the dishwash bottle out of the recycling that I put in earlier.
What a fantastic idea. I must TAKE some time out to scrap, so I can have a go :)
Imagination can TAKE you to such a creative place. Truly stunning and totally inspirational work! I just love it!
:) xx
Mel, all I can say is wow, you make me want to wash some dishes just so I can empty out the dishwashing bottle.....
And create one of these.....
This is beyond stunning thank you for sharing your creation but most of all thanks for giving us the instructions on how to create this project......
This "takes" the cake for sure.....
Oh wow, this is VERY cool - I never noticed how much a Palmolive bottle looked like a dress form!
TAKE, wow what a cool idea this is. gorgeous work
I love your TAKE (he he) on the old Palmolive bottle. I'm going to add this project to my 'to do' list. Thanks!
Wow its amazing how you can TAKE, a dish washing bottle and turn it in to something a,azing..I love this angel
WOW, you girls amaze me everytime I open your blogs who would ever have thought.....dishwashing bottle??????
What a great idea, I'd love to try this one out.
This is FANTASTIC. i wish my brain could see things the way you ladies do!!!
Oh Mel this is super cool :) I love her!!!
Hi Mel, I am a bit late but just wanted to take this opportunity to check out what I missed over the weekend, my daughter & I love your idea, will be making one for our Christmas tree, thanks for the inspiration.
Been away but just thought I would TAKE this opp to hop over and see what you girls have been up too!
fab work Mel!! x
What a clever way to recycle. I can totally see it covered in my Webster's Pages paper! I'm so happy I got Palmolive 10 days ago.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thank you so much for showing us great techniques and smart innovative ways to recycle!
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