YAY YAY YAY GEELONG WON the AFL GRAND FINAL!!!!!!! After a 44 year drought the Cats THUMPED Port yesterday by um lets see - 119 points - yep thats right! Geelong 163 to Port 44. Did the house up for Gary with 100 helium balloons and blue and white streamers everywhere, boards painted up and even painted our windows with cats etc!!!! only had about 50 balloons left by the end of the game as some saw it fit to let them loose........ Jess had her hair sprayed blue and they both had their face painted by me lol - a couple of the kids that came were allowed but others weren't - wrong colours and dance comps in a week!
Anyway that has taken up most of the last week - classes start back up again on Tuesday with a kids class for the school hols - I also have tips and techniques classes, the brand new clock class, clear album and something else - need to check out my scribble notes. FIrst crop night will be held this Friday and then the HUGE opening day on Saturday - Gary heads off tomorrow for an 8 day fishing trip with Pedr, Eric and Frank up to Exmouth - lets hope they catch some fish...... Car also broke down once again - this time it is the thermostat - once Josh fixes that I am taking it back to Barbagallo's to get everything checked cause the more we talk to people it seems that perhaps where we were taking it in Wangara were not doing the right job.......
Going to try and scrap some things today - have a few idea's and a challenge to do for the shop so may incorporate it into a few things I want/need to do!
Anyway the girls are hungry (they have just demolished 6 slices of toast between them and it is only mid morning....) Take care all and last but not least