Sunday, September 30, 2007


YAY YAY YAY GEELONG WON the AFL GRAND FINAL!!!!!!! After a 44 year drought the Cats THUMPED Port yesterday by um lets see - 119 points - yep thats right! Geelong 163 to Port 44. Did the house up for Gary with 100 helium balloons and blue and white streamers everywhere, boards painted up and even painted our windows with cats etc!!!! only had about 50 balloons left by the end of the game as some saw it fit to let them loose........ Jess had her hair sprayed blue and they both had their face painted by me lol - a couple of the kids that came were allowed but others weren't - wrong colours and dance comps in a week!

Anyway that has taken up most of the last week - classes start back up again on Tuesday with a kids class for the school hols - I also have tips and techniques classes, the brand new clock class, clear album and something else - need to check out my scribble notes. FIrst crop night will be held this Friday and then the HUGE opening day on Saturday - Gary heads off tomorrow for an 8 day fishing trip with Pedr, Eric and Frank up to Exmouth - lets hope they catch some fish...... Car also broke down once again - this time it is the thermostat - once Josh fixes that I am taking it back to Barbagallo's to get everything checked cause the more we talk to people it seems that perhaps where we were taking it in Wangara were not doing the right job.......

Going to try and scrap some things today - have a few idea's and a challenge to do for the shop so may incorporate it into a few things I want/need to do!

Anyway the girls are hungry (they have just demolished 6 slices of toast between them and it is only mid morning....) Take care all and last but not least


Thursday, September 27, 2007

Family Clock class

A new class for October :) ph 9249 1303 for details or to book in :)

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Perhaps a few new projects???

Three Angels scrapping had their monthly cyber crop last night and I have done two of their challenges - just one to go :) Am thinking I may use these for kids classes or demo's? What do you think :)

AFL Grand Final next week - Geelong vs Port Adelaide - hhmmm I think we may have one room for the cat supporters and one for the Port ones...... seeing they are very very vocal!

TIme to get the girls out of the shower and organised for bed - take care all and have a great week :)

ETA - finished the last challenge

Saturday, September 22, 2007


What a great game last night yay for ht Cats wining by 5 points - Jess and CHionia hadn't seen their dad so passionate about a game before - lol - wait until next week! Looks like it will be against Port Adelaide so will beinteresting to watch Gary vs Pete!!

A quick scraplift off the very talented Amanda Hall

Off to work out my next 20 projects lol!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Opening Day

is October 6th from 11am to 2pm :) I hope to see you there. The shop is buzzing with new customers and old and the overall feedback is wonderful! Busy working on some dt stuff for the shop and planning some classes so if there is something you want to learn just let us know.
A few pages from a travel album and a LO of Gary and the girls :)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Sports Day - Tuart came ......

Layout removed so it can be published YAY!!!

SECOND! lol Best they have done for a while I think. Anyway Jess had a great day - she came third in her relay and throws and gotpipped at the post by two others for third in her running race. Look at the photo's and check out the competition - Jess was lol. Bought HJ's for lunch for her and we had a picnic at school. Got a bit sunburnt though even with suncream - what is summer going to be like? Jess complaining about the heat already omg~~

Shop has moved and opened in Malaga - I walked in on Tuesday to help out for a couple of hours and it had such a great vibe - very exciting - Nic and Jody have put in soooooooooo much work helping DI - It looks fantastic. Trying to do a few new LO's for opening day. Having fun just playing hehe

Better run - I have a dishwasher to unload and then reload as I hadn't pressed start properly earlier :( and a LO to finish and I am in here blogging lol!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Ever moved a LSS??????

Are my feet tired or what???? Imagine moving your scrap space times a trillion!!!! Add some stairs and a bit of rain and wind in the morning and OMG a busy day!!!!!

Anyway - shop is moved - it is going to be fantastic!!!! Can't wait til opening day etc - lots of fun new exciting changes ahead me thinks :)

A quick LO of Jess last night - hope you like it - inspiration came from her hat :)

Better go Chionia is climbing the desk :)

Friday, September 7, 2007

You take my breath away

A LO using a photo from Fathers day of Chionia. :) Buzz and bloom orders have finally all been sent out and posted. Thank goodness hehe.

Shop is finally moving tomorrow after having to repaint and clean the carpet etc in the new shop - New addy is

Unit 1 / 15 Capital Road in Malaga Ph (08) 9249 1303. Will be open Wednesday 12th - Please come and see us :) It is right next to the Caltex petrol station and opposite Macca's with the Malaga markets about 200 meters down the road.

Footy finals have started so I think there will be a bit of scrapping happening now! lol Take care all

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Just a few more photos from Fathers Day

Just a few more photos I have been palying with :) Any helpful criticism welcome!!

Busy day and blogger is finally cooperating - Helen Tom Bianca and Janica are coming around for a BBQ tonight so need to do a food shop lol. Also need to call in to Di's to get the second part of the Buzz and Bloom order for the EB girls! Shop is now officially closed until next Wednesday when it reopens in Malaga :) :) :)

Monday, September 3, 2007

Happy Fathers day :)

A Wonderful Fathers Day - after an early start we went to Bears Rock and spent a lovely few hours at the beach - took about 200 photos lol and just love some of them. The girls had a ball playing and getting wet and fishing although I reckon they were too loud for the fish and scared them all off lol. Yummy roast for dinner and an early bedtime! Perfect day to spend as a family :)

Christmas - not far away - it is September now and before you know it it will be the end of term 4 ballet concerts etc and the usual madness that goes with it. So we have decided to take off YAY!!!!!!! We are heading down to Dunsborough and staying with mum and dad for a week before Xmas and then swapping houses to the GEo house down there just after Xmas - no rushing around Christmas day to visit every man and his dog - no late Xmas eve putting things together - just escaping and having a wonderful time - Xmas morning with the girls - heading down to the beach with one or two new toys - back for a late lunch early dinner with lots of yummy seafood and Xmas specials. Cocktail hour in the spa with nibbles and perhaps the annual cricket game in the paddock! lol So looking forward to it - time to spend as a family :) That is what it is all about :) :) :)

Must go and sort out the details for a boat we have just bought. Nothing is ever easy - it is in Florida!!!! Now to get it here hehe

Take care all :)

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