LOL LONG time between posts!
We got hit by lightning the day after my last post which wiped out half the stuff around the place including our modem (which is how it got my computer which is surge protected)! and other things
A very busy few weeks while Gary was away with lots of drama's which may sort themselves out but atm doen'st look like they will.....
Anyway the computers mother board was damaged and repaired after taking it to "smash your Computer" jangle guys who were fantastic!!! but have had drama's with logging in whom TRACEY helped me with - so one RAK off to her!!! :) :) :) :) :) :)
Since the last time I posted Gary has finished in Newman thank goodness - was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo glad to have him back. Girls missed him like crazy - as we were waiting in the airport the plane was late and chionia was walking around going DAAAADDDDDYYYYYYY Daddy!!!!! Everyone was cracking up laughing and you should have seen her run into his arms and cuddle him :)
Since then we have had our RETREAT.
What an absolutly fantastiuc Time I had. Can't wait for the next one - although it was hard work (especially for Nicole and Di who did most of it!!) it was just so nice to be with 70 odd scrappers who got along so well.. I didn't get much done as I was busy with scrappers and classes and helping in the shop (just a little bit! lol!) but the LO's I did do are at the top. I met Justine Quinlivan !!! HI there! who is just so kind and helpful and sweet! She has inspired me with her sewing to sew on my Soulmate LO above - will show you the finished LO soon!
So much to do so little time - I have 3 classes this week and already have 12 or so booked in for the clock class which we haven't even set a date for yet!!
Better go and get Jess to bed who has been very tired and grumpy tonight. So great to be able to catch up ! I love reading your comments so now I am bakc let me know who is lurking!!! There may be a RAK in it for you
Take care all